My 3 Tips For Your First Time at a Libertine Club

Dear readers, let me tell you how much I LOVE libertine clubs (or swingers clubs). The general atmosphere, the people you meet, the way these places make you feel: it’s something special. That being said, I also remember the first time at a libertine club can be very intimidating.

My first visit was about five years ago. I was quite nervous, yet very excited. I quickly found out that libertine clubs are actually one of many ways to discover or rediscover the joys of seduction and sexual empowerment. So here are three tips I’d give you to feel comfortable enough to enjoy your first time at a libertine club!

Keep an Open Mind

It’s show time

First of all, it’s important to be prepared to the fact that you will see a lot of nudity and sex going on in the club. That won’t necessarily happen by the bar or on the dancefloor, where you’ll more likely meet potential partners, but there are usually spaces within the club that are dedicated to sexual interactions. If you’re not comfortable with strangers’ nudity and seeing other people having sex, this might not be the right place for you. And this also goes the other way around: you need to know that if you end up having sex in a libertine club, people are going to see you. It’s part of the game (and the fun, if you ask me). Be the star of the show!

Libertine clubs are for everybody.

Be aware that you’ll see all kinds of bodies. There will be people you find attractive and people that don’t appeal to you. There will be regulars, experienced folks as well as beginners. One way of going straight for what you want is themed nights. Here are some of the themed nights I’ve been to: Lesbian couples night, single ladies night, straight couples night, Masquerade Ball, bondage night… Themed nights in libertine clubs are loads of fun, I definitely recommend them! 

Consent at a Libertine Club: Be Clear About What You Want

If you’ve never been to a libertine club, consent might be a concern of yours. I know it was one of mine. I now actually find these clubs safer than regular bars. People are VERY serious about getting consent before doing anything. Maybe you’ll meet someone you vibe with, and they will very clearly ask you if you want to move it to a cosier corner of the club. If you’re already getting some action and someone wants to join you, they will clearly ask if you agree with them joining the party. If they don’t ask and don’t respect your boundaries, this is not okay. Even if you’re in a libertine club. Same goes the other way around: please, make sure you clearly ask for consent and only take a clear, enthusiastic YES as a green light. There’s no room for grey areas when it comes to consent.

Sex in a libertine club is just as easy as that.
So feel free to explore!

Hey! No Pressure! Be Libertine.

Remember you are here to have fun and feel free! So no pressure. You don’t HAVE to have sex with anybody. You can enjoy the vibe, dance, meet great people, and if something extra happens, great! If you’re there with a partner, you get to go home together after a lovely night out. If you’re on your own and didn’t find anybody you felt like experimenting with, just see it as a hot date with yourself. These can be a lot of fun too!

Guys, whatever happens, be ready for a night you won’t forget and enjoy your first time at the libertine club. Please tell me all about it!

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